Friday, June 12, 2009


Picture the scene: you're wandering through a city street this weekend and a group of cyclists pedal idly past, pinging their bells and smiling broadly. Oh yes, one more thing – THEY'RE ALL NAKED!
A hallucination? No, just the latest event organized by the World Naked Bike Ride (WNBR) group.
Beginning today 12th of June 12, 2009 and carrying on through the weekend, anything up to 2,000 riders are expected to place unadorned buttock against saddle for rides in seven towns and cities around England and Wales.
The largest naked cycle is scheduled for London, with organizers expecting around 1,000 nude or near-nude riders to set off from Hyde Park at 3pm tomorrow. And smaller events are planned for York, Manchester and Southampton today, Cardiff and Sheffield tomorrow and Brighton on Sunday. London will see its sixth annual event, after beginning in 2004 when a hardy and not easily embarrassed group of 58 pioneers took to the streets.
For people previously unfamiliar with the global naked cycling movement who happen to catch sight of one of these fleshy, two-wheeled processions, the first question – "What on earth?" – is inevitably soon followed by another: why?
Handily, the WNBR has a page of FAQs, one of which is the inevitable: "Why are you cycling naked?" The answer is:
"To celebrate cycling and the human body. The ride demonstrates the vulnerability of cyclists on the road and is a protest against oil dependency."
As well as the pro-bike, anti-car message there is of course the sheer toddler-like thrill of shedding your clothes and cycling around a big city. Also mentions, "most riders also find it exhilarating, liberating, empowering".
After knowing that this kind of activity is held in western country, will you be trying it out in Malaysia???????? TELL ME IF YOU DARE!!!

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